I have been working with Deswik.CAD for over 8 years. I assisted with 2 successful site implementations. I have done several mine designs for various mines across the world. I can make powerful process process map, creative dashboards, quick designs, or anything else you may need. Let me help you with any Deswik.CAD questions that you have.

I have been working in Deswik.Sched for over 8 years. I have advanced experience in resource leveling. I have underground experience in short-range, medium-range, and long-range planning. I can help you with resource leveling, sequencing, scheduling, auditing, just-in-time development, and complex reporting.

I have over 8 years of experience with the Deswik Interactive Scheduler. I have setup several projects from scratch. I can help you with automatic linking rules, project setup, and dependency creation.

I have several years of experience working with the Deswik Stope Optimizer. I can create transverse stopes, longitudinal stopes, and cut and fill drifts. I can do a quick cut-off-grade analysis at several cut-off-grades to help you find the optimal cut-off-grade that will maximize your NPV.

I have experience working with Deswik.Caving at an operating sub level caving mine. I can help you with ring selection and flow modeling. I’m always looking for opportunities to design and run caving flow models.